Plog Number 99
What I want versus what I got

Hello Plogers, How are you all. I am feeling great. We survived the first of the big holidays and on to🧑 🎅Christmas. At this point I feel rested and ready to keep it moving. Not to mention that I love Christmas and all the trimmings 🧑🏻🧑🧑🎄!!
I have had a few things I have wanted to write about and now seems like the best time to do it. After this Midterm election I have been racking my brain wondering why women voted overwhelmingly Republican.⁉️ Somehow I think it is tied to tradition and history. The Republican party used to be known for Family values, Strong upstanding morals, military might, religious values, love of God and just plain old 💪 strength. Who wouldn’t want that? If all you have ever known was strong political patriarchs like Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and the Bush’s you are probably drawn to that. You would logically want more of that. You probably would fantasize about having more of that. So you vote the party that you always have. You vote Republican, even if it is against your current interest. You have faith in the historic principals. You hope that things will go back to their golden days.
This is all great, so give your vote to the party that you always have. The only problem is that the party has changed. It has been hijacked by 45. The things the party used to stand for are no longer applicable. Its like that meme where the same guy you saw last night at the bar, with the aid of alcohol looked like Jason Mamoa. But when you see him in the morning he looks like Big Ed from 90 Day Fiancé. It is a definite🎣 bait and switch and very deceitful transaction. Buyer’s remorse is all over the place. You know in your heart that you did what was tried and true in the past. You are hoping you don’t have to change your idealogy and vote for that “other” party. You would rather sit it out than support a Democratic candidate. You think for a minute about being an Independent but you know that you will never win an election again. You also don’t want to tick off your husband, parents or anyone else you feel a cohesiveness with. You are so STUCK, so you just vote Republican again, because in your mind you have no other choice.
These ideas are all born from my mind but I imagine it is pretty close to the truth. God would have to come down himself and convince me to vote Republican. But I am a person who votes my interest. I acknowledge it would be hard to change voting party’s. We saw as much as 75% of white men voted Republican and 73% of white women followed suit. I wish surveys would be done on their historical voting trends. Its deep!
What I want as a Republican voter: reproductive autonomy, assistance with childcare, assistance with student loan payment, lower gas prices, assistance with baby formula availability, ease for Veteran benefit availability, marriage equality rights, common sense gun laws, rights for LGBTQ communities strong schools, strong 👮 police forces, safe communities, strong 💸 economy, inflation control.
What I got as a Republican voter: none of the above. Republicans voted against it all. So why give them your vote???? SMH.
Let’s keep talking about it and RECLAIM!