Plog Number 320
What Kamala Brings

Hello Ploggers, how are you. I hope you are having a Happy Happy day. Weekends are great for getting things done that you can’t do during the week. Also a great time to relax and have fun. I think of it as a time to de-compress from the previous week and a time to re-charge for the upcoming week. I love putting on the breaks and then stepping on the gas. Did I ever tell you that I love to🚗 drive?
Like many of us I am watching the political news with so much less anxiety these days. It is actually kind of pleasant. Of course I am referring to the Presidential and other races. The momentum that Kamala Harris has is absolutely contagious. She is able to articulate things so clearly. I love that about her. She also talks to Middle America and offers tangible plans and solutions for us. She talked about enacting a law that penalizes grocery and gasoline
⛽️ price gauging. Something like that has never been proposed before, that I am aware of. Her message is positive and well received. Her crowds love hearing her and so do I. She laughs and calls herself a “Joyful Warrior”. How cool is that? She is middle class and I personally trust that way more than any millionaire. So with her common sense plans and acknowledgment of our economy she is very endearing. She allows us to see and hear more than 45's smug face and droning voice.
Kamala has put a spotlight on the fact that 45 isn’t offering any solutions. All he is doing is the same old Dystopian complaints about our economy, our military our world standing etc. He does nothing but Kvetch and complain loudly📣 and that is enough for his MAGA followers. He just says “things are horrible and I am the only one who can fix them”. He never explained how he would but they believed that he would. They still do believe what he says. SMH on that.
Another thing I really like about Kamala is that she claims her blackness. Many times when people are multi-racial they deny the black part. They will claim to be anything but black. Remember when Tiger Woods first got big and he was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show? Oprah gushed and told the golfer how proud she was of him and especially since he was black. He looked put out and said something like “I am not black, I am Cablanasian”. This is not a real word but something he made up as a kid in a way to identify himself according to his racial lineage. I remember partly West Indian and partly Black people that would always lead with the West Indian part. This is as if the West Indies weren’t littered with African slaves back in the day. I can remember so many people who looked like me, yet they claimed to be anything but black. Here we have Kamala and she has always claimed her blackness. Bravo girl!!
I also see that Kamala is having an effect on down ballot races. In particular the Governor’s race in North Carolina. The Republican candidate Mark Robinson is losing by double digits to Democrat Josh Stein. Robinson easily won the primary even with his outlandish rhetoric. Robinson has said that Gay people are vermin. He says that he believes women should not have the right to vote. , that he would like to go back to life 100 years ago. He is a far right holocaust denier and very anti abortion, although he and his wife aborted a pregnancy years ago. But now that North Carolina is in play for Harris to win the state, things seem to be changing. It seems like the more the state hears from her the less they tolerate Robinson. All good things. Kamala seems to be the harbinger of good things. This makes me so happy😀 RECLAIM!