Plog Number 342
What Really Is Going On???

Hello Ploggers, how are you. I hope that you are well and thriving. I admit that this has been a challenging week since the election on November 5, 2024. Admittedly I am still in shock over the result. I put in a full week of working my job. I missed a meeting, but for the most part I was successful and did no harm to anyone. I consider that a huge win, considering how entirely freaked out, depressed and over it I truly was. Admittedly this post will be self-indulgent since it’s not interactive, so I apologize ahead of time. So let’s get into it.
Part of my mind says that there was a giant, digital, clandestine plan that involved Elon Musk, 45, the internet, robots, secrecy and piracy to steal this election. Somehow Democratic votes were cancelled. Yes I am fully embracing the conspiracy theory. I picture a movie with the lead played by Will Smith, Julia Roberts and other super sleuths smart enough to discover and expose it and to take our election back. I realize this is a wild conspiracy and would require lots of Investigation and uncovering hidden trails. We would need a President and Attorney General who are young and aggressive and we have neither. To even understand forensic tech is beyond most people, especially our Octagenarian President. I also realize that the truth does eventually come out, but the timing is all wrong to keep 45’s orange ass from heading back to the Oval Office.
He told us "he didn’t need the votes" and it turns out he didn’t. He told us that he and Mike Johnson had "a secret" and they probably did, but what?? He said "dont worry about voting, we have more votes than anybody has ever had" He ended up with enough votes for a landslide and popular vote victory. He had enough votes to win every Swing State. He had enough votes for a clear cut decision to be reached that night. Meanwhile prior to the election, 45's rallies attracted less and less people, while the Democrats raised over a Billion Dollars and had enormous crowds. Those are just some serious red🚩 flags that we did not heed and that now seem key. We thought it was just his usual rambling and boasting. Inquiring minds want to know. It keeps me up at night. We are left to wonder.
I also have a little insight into people of other cultures. In particular the Palestinians that live in this country. My very good friend is 100% Palestinian. She knows an entire community of friends and I have met many of them. I have sat down to🍜 meals with them, met their children and shared Hookah with them. One thing I noticed about them is that they are very attracted to 45. Their streets are lined with supportive signs. Some of them don’t vote but many do. They also seem to have no memory of the Muslim Ban. Many of them are not Muslim but have family members who are. They probably don’t know that even if they came here legally that Stephen Miller wants to deport them and is actively working on it. Maybe they will be able to stay in the Trump Hotel that 45 and Jerrod Kushner plan to put on the Gaza Beachfront after Netanyahu destroys Gaza and it’s people. I also have met Russians and Eastern Europeans who immigrated here. They also support 45 and think that Democrats will lead this country to Socialism. They buy into the misinformation and allow their Prejudices to rule. Hispanics, Latinos and Asians are all a huge question to me. I don't claim to understand them at all.
So on a more realistic note I am looking to the💪 strength of black people. Our survival instincts are amazing. We have indisputably survived a lot. I would say, more than most people of different backgrounds in this country. It would have been nice to be recognized for our contributions and to no longer be so damn INVISIBLE. So we will submerge ourselves into society and survive a second 45 Presidency. RECLAIM!