Plog Number 290
What is in our water???

Hello Ploggers, how are you. I feel like we are living in a world of people who want to be healthy yet we still have disease, obesity and no answers as to why that is the case. Could the answers lie in our very 🌊 water? Many diets and health care providers advise us to drink 64 ounces of water per day. I see some people gladly drinking that amount and more. But what if water is making us sick. It has already been found that the very water bottles we use can have a sheering effect and the tiny shards can end up in our 💔 hearts of all places. So metal water containers are now perceived as better for us right now. There are Brita and Pur water filters and a reverse osmosis thing that can make our water safer to drink. We must use these things, even when boiling corn or making ice cubes. You may wonder why I am talking about this. I was watching the📰 news this week and they were so proud that the EPA is making our water safer.
The EPA has announced plans to limit certain chemicals found in our drinking water. These chemicals are called “forever” chemicals because they bio-accumulative. The chemicals are called PFAS which stands for per- and Polyfluorinated Substances. PfAS’s have been used since the 1940’s. They are known to cause many health problems including reproductive issues, developmental delays, low birth weight, suppressed immune system, increased cholesterol levels, impacts to the cardiovascular system and two types of cancer. The types of cancer are kidney and testicular. Evidence is growing that other forms of cancer have an origin in PFAS’s.
So now that we know that they are trying to make our water safer, it begs the question of why they made it dangerous in the first place. PfAS's are not naturally occurring. We added them in and now will be taking them out. Heaven help us all and RECLAIM!