Plog Number 260
White-ification Chronicles

Hello Ploggers how are you. Stay safe and stay warm. Today is a good day to stay home and use your phone ☎️ app for yoga. No going out into the weather today. The snow here is beautiful and looks like a belated Christmas❄️ wonderland. It is fluffy and light and pretty. I shoveled the walkway and it filled back in. The guy came and did the driveway and it filled back in. There is no way to keep up with the pace. An old fashioned Snowstorm for sure. It’s the kind of snow that makes everything quiet and all you hear is your feet scrunching as you walk. Perfect for sledding, cross country🎿 skiing and shoveling LOL.
Many times in the past I have written about people who do not identify with who they are. That is a cardinal sin in my book. If you recall I have lambasted Clarence Thomas and likened him unto a cartoon character called Unkle Ruckus from Boondocks. I have described Tim Scott as a 40 year old Virgin and a Big Black Southern Man who has never experienced racism. I have called George “Devolder” Santos a white supremist who is NOT white. I have chided Cameron Gregory, ex Kentucky Attorney General who couldn’t win a red state Governorship while running as a black man in MAGA country. Oops, I guess he just forgot that last fact. There was also Rob Smith, a so called black gay Republican influencer who was confronted and surrounded by white supremacists MAGA’s at one of their events. He thought he could be in the MAGA crowd, but they reminded him that he couldn’t.
All of those misguided people were men but there are some women in this dubious crowd too. One of them is the infamous Nikki Hayley or as I like to call her Nimarata. Here is Nimarata Hayley, a quite accomplished Indian American woman who is running for President. She was born with the name Nimarata Nikki Randhawa to Sikh parents. She used to wear Sari’s and things like that. Currently I never see her in that light as a proud Indian woman. She is a brown person running in an 85% white party. A party that actively took away the rights of women. A party that does not cater to the needs of black and brown people. A party that wants to deny and erase American history as it concerns race. A party that will never support this brown woman as their presidential candidate. She appears to be blind to her plight. She is out on the stump saying that the US is not a racist country and that the Civil War was fought because of any reason other than slavery. She is out here tip toeing around the MAGA base, who hates everything she stands for and is. She is trying to be a good brown person. I could go on and on. Its sad that she is willing to deny her very identity to run for office.
I will suffice to say that Nikki is playing in an arena that I think she cannot win. She can’t court these people any more than Mr. Rob Smith could quell that rowdie, redneck crowd who rejected him. Sorry Nikki, you have joined the shameful“White-ification” Chronicles. Assess your situation, fix it and move on. A bit of Self Awareness will be most helpful here. RECLAIM!