Plog Number 229

Hello Ploggers how are you. I hope that you are hanging on for dear life with all you have got. It seems like life is moving very fast these days. I think that each day is a blessing and pray for safety and peace. I am lucky to work with Sociologists and Sociology PhD candidates. They are astute and pretty kick ass. I learn terms from them and I would like to use some of them
I wrote a Plog and did a Tik Tok on George 👾 Santos yesterday. I spoke about the way he has tried to assimilate and change into a white person. He has been seen using offensive white pride hand signals in public. I had thought that these symbols were strictly for white people. But I may not know all of offensive white hand signal rules. He is a self described MAGA and he supports Conservative and anti-black sentiments. The only for sure thing about him is that he is known to lie incessantly so it’s hard to know what he really thinks and feels. But in addition to talking about Santos, I recently published a plog about other people who seem to share the same issue. There are many people in this unlikeable club. The Club consists of people who are not white but want to be. For people who believe in the Bible and 10 Commandments remember “Do not covet they neighbors (white) ass”. To those who missed it when James Brown said it “Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud”. For those who don’t know any better “to thine own self be true“. I think that one is either from the 📖 Bible or 🎥 Hollywood. But the point is you have to love yourself and stop this desperate “Whitification” and yes I made this word up. I have done whole Plogs on people who fall into this group. They have been floundering around out here without a sociological name. Now they have one.
The word Gentrification refers to the act of changing a poor urban area by wealthier 💰 people moving in, improving housing and attracting new businesses while displacing current black inhabitants in the process. Another term is Cultural Appropriation. This happens when a member of a majority group adopts cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative, disrespectful or stereotypical way. The best example I can think of this is the Kardashians changing their 💋 lips and bottoms to look like black women’s. Another example is when Bo Derrick wore corn row braids in the movie where she was deemed a 10. But black women were not deemed to be 10’s in either scenario. So white people have mastered this trick. But when non-white people try to turn white it goes over like a warm pile of 💩 poop. The beliefs in white supremacy and self hatred fuel Whitification. Stay tuned for more fun terms and RECLAIM!