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Women in Politics

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 202

Women in Politics

Hello Ploggers, How are you. Hope your summer is steamy and good. Mine is hot, sweaty and going a mile a minute. Many things in my life are changing and I am holding on for dear life. But it is all good. Change is part of life and growth.

Yesterday I went to an area of town unfamiliar to me. I like to get out of my bubble every now and then. I was so surprised to see 👀 a few bright red Vote yes👎 on Issue 1 signs. I even saw a commercial saying something negative about Trans genderisms and losing control of your children, especially your daughters in their reproductive decisions. It was a 👎manipulative and fear producing ploy. I am glad to see that there are far less of the vote yes than the vote no commercials so far. They have one where they show Thomas Jefferson and they talk about the historical need to have a quorum of 66%. Too bad Ohio did away with that in 1912. They fail to mention that fact. It’s shameful that the Republicans in Columbus will do anything to divest people of their interests.

In the last national election, over 60% of white women voted Republican and against interest. I am curious to see how they vote in this State election on this particular issue. It will tell me all I need to know about them. Recently I see Tik Toks and other informational videos about how it was the women in the South who propagated false information and put it into history books about the Civil War. There are modern day versions of these post civil war women's groups. Yikes! That is the difference between men and women. Women are planners and 👱 thinkers. Men use more obvious, brute 💪 strength to get their way. The United Daughters of the Confederacy formed for two reasons. One they wanted to 📝 re-write history and two they wanted to erect the confederate memorials. In other words they needed to change the narrative on a war that they lost. They also needed to put up statues to their defeated Generals. I don’t know how that was allowed in a democracy and was not considered Treasonous. ?!? The fact that these long lasting tasks were brought about by women is a show of mental strength. Don’t ever under-estimate a woman.

So August 8th is coming. Voting No on Issue 1 is way more important than voting for or against Reproductive Rights in November. I hope everyone understands that. I just got my 📨 mail in ballot and am sending it in today. No matter how busy my schedule is on that day, my vote will be cast and my voice will be 📣 heard. Ohio and its women can either lead or be lead. I choose to lead RECLAIM!



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