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Women Warriors

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 78

Woman Warriors

Yaaaaaaaaarr and Arrrgggg Ploggers and a unifying warrior yell. Fists 💪💪raised high in triumph! And yes I just got back from seeing the Woman King movie. It was SO good and confirming of the strength of women. It was just what I needed to see tonight. This idea of the demure, fairer sex is such a male 🛀fantasy. Women🤽🤽‍♀️can kick ass. And I for one want a swimsuit👙 for next summer with a mahogany top and blue print skirt like they wore as a fight costume in the movie. * Here is a Spoiler Alert.* It was so good to see the slave⛵️ ships leaving empty, after being fought off by the women warriors. It has always been so difficult 😢to watch slavery movies with blatant abuse to my direct ancestors. Slavery was NOT voluntary or involuntary relocation.

I want to plog about why the strength of women is so ignored in our society. Women have integrated strength and 💅beauty into a masterful combo that should not be underestimated. Our strength is undeniable. The desire for 🤽‍♂men to control us is also undesirable. Why! Why isn’t it OK for men to be men and women to be women? We have our differences and that is OK. I believe some of this comes from biblical influences. Men were supposed to be made first and women as a second best creation. Greek mythology has us as second 🎻 fiddle too. Zeus 🗿 is the king of the Gods. For whatever the historical reasons, women live as inferior to men. Being the carriers of life is a huge responsibility and honor. I am pretty sure that plays a part in this mystery. But having periods and👼 babies can only be done by strong humans. No easy answer to that one.

Let's talk about Hillary Clinton and her 2016 opponent for the Presidential race. She is a warrior too. I think it should be clear to everybody by now that she was right about literally everything. She was incisive, deliberate, experienced and truthful. She predicted exactly what 45 would do. It is obvious that she would have made a much better President. People knew that, and that is why she won the popular vote. Some people didn't vote for her simply because she was a woman. But this country chose to support a much less intelligent, less successful and less capable candidate. Looking at the email 📠 problem she had compared to the removal of Top Secret Documents, I would take the email issue any day. By the way I still incorporate her name in websites I use. We will never know what she would have done as President. We let the Electoral College and a minority of Americans hand 45 the presidency. As much as I resent it, the Russians had a big part in that race too. To me that is unforgiveable.

In other news it came out during an Oathkeepers trial last week that the FBI and Secret Service may have been in on the January 6 Insurrection. People are testifying and phone 📱 records are being looked at. The scandal seems to grow every day. More and more corruption is coming out all the time. It has been said that Lyndsay Graham wanted the Insurrectionist shot in the head and didn’t understand why that wasn’t happening. The inaction of the FBI and Secret Service made sure that few were shot in the head or anywhere else. The inaction was all pre-planned. They were busy communicating with the members of the Oathkeepers.

But I know that us women will all get out and vote November 8 and take care of business. We are up for our job as fixer. Never fear the Women Warriors are here. Roe Roe Roe your Vote 🎶 . Vote this Rovember ! Reclaim!



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