Plog Number 235
Anthony Devolder aka George Santos

Hello Ploggers, how are you? I am hoping that you are all super 😃 good. The world may seem crazy but at the end of the day, I love my life. I want it to last as long as possible and in the best condition possible. I have my share of achy joints, fuzzy memory and grey hair. But getting old is a privilege that many are not given. I am in that privileged group and I am grateful.
There are certain public people that I am mildly obsessed with. Off the top of my head is Clarence and Jenni Thomas, Mike De Wine and George Santos. Santos is my latest bulls 🎯 eye. The man is outrageous and shameless. I really feel that he will never own up to anything, even as he is hauled off to jail. He is also extremely lucky and seems to have great timing. He was lucky that his lies were not discovered until he had already won the election. He was lucky that the Republicans held such a slim margin of majority that he was needed for votes and to maintain power. He was unexplainably♣︎ lucky that the cowards in congress (including 31 Democrats) voted NOT to expel him. The only reason I have heard, is to “let the criminal process play out”. That is incredible and again extremely lucky on his part.
But I do think that his luck will run out. Another vote is coming up on the issue of expelling him after the Thanksgiving holiday. This will be the third vote. Who knows, maybe the third time will be the 🎲 charm. It has been recently reported that he is a person who loves the luxury 💎 lifestyle but was perpetually broke. He loved it so much that he used campaign funds to buy the following: Botox, Ferragamo items, Hermes items, Sephora products, Only Fans account, trips to casinos and more. Travel and luxuries including a Honeymoon in Vegas, Hamptons holiday, spa days and also his rent. He also transferred $200,000 of campaign funds to his personal💲 bank account. BLATANT MISUSE and would be considered dischargable offenses in any major company. When they find out that you lied on your resume they let you go right away based on the lie. The standards of Congress are so much lower than other American workplaces short of oh say...
Mc Donalds.
He seems to be a man who enjoys the finer things in life. When will he get his comeuppance? I am ready for that to happen sooner rather than later. It galls me that he is employed in Congress and representing others. He represents no one but himsel. Since he is a national congressman he represents us all. He is well compensated and has excellent health care which is why he wanted the position in the first place. He will go down in history described as devious, pathological liar, brass balled, wannabe white supremist, charlatan!