Plog Number 221

Hello Ploggers how are you. We are finishing up our weekend. I am munching on leftovers from The Cheesecake Factory yesterday and it is super tasty. They have a Thai Chicken 🍜salad and it rocks. I love the peanuts and cilantro. I could eat Thai food every week.
I was talking with one of my co-workers today and as usual he had me😅 laughing. Some of the things he says are hysterical. Others are not. He is a provocateur as far as office conversations go. He looks for the controversy and 📣 amps it up for the sake of the conversation. The conversation we had today was per usual but he did manage to throw in a curve. He is originally from the South and was a part time minister. He is a married father of two girls. He is a smart dude too.
Today we were talking about🏳 LGBTQ issues. I am in favor of the rights that the LGBTQ people have and agree that they should have more. Then we got on the subject of banned books in this country. He told a story about his first grader bringing home a book named Calvin. The reason she wanted the book was because her father’s first name is Calvin. That was an innocent enough reason to want a book. But he said that he looked at the book closer prior to letting her read it. He found out that it was about a little girl who was gender dysphoric and wanted to be called Calvin. So the book was about something that my co worker does not support and certainly does not want his first grade daughter to be reading about. I thought it was so 👾 ironic that a Southern, Religious, Conservative Father would end up with a daughter who innocently brings home a book about transgender issues. A classic example of how life sneaks in on you.
We laughed at how kids know way more than we think way sooner than we think they do. But they do. He said he wasn’t in favor of book 📖 banning but felt that he, as a parent who does his job, he should decide what his kids are exposed to. Me, I am just glad that my daughter is 19 and has likely been exposed to everything already. Once kids get on the 💻 internet all bets are off. My daughter’s literature teacher told us point blank that once they start reading on the 10th grade level they will be exposed to cursing, sex talk, drug talk etc. So, I grit my teeth and talk with my co-worker about the topic of the day. Knowing that he is waiting to throw in a curve ball just because. It may be maddening but it does give me fodder for my Plogs. RECLAIM!