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Fall Season

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 230

Fall Season

Hearty Hello Ploggers. How are you all doing? I really wish the best for all of you. It is officially fall and it is the season for yard signs. I really like yard signs. They give me hope when I see neighbors with similar 📜 signs that echo my sentiments. It also makes me cringe when I see signs that are totally 👎opposite of what I believe. How can they be so dumb, I think to myself. But there are super manipulative commercials out there every day. Radio 📻 and 📺 TV are powerful media that come into our lives and minds all the time.

I noticed that De Wine and his wife have a lengthy commercial where they are asking people to vote No on Issue 1. They both talk very slowly and with sincerity and urge people to vote for bans on reproductive rights for women. The De Wine marriage has produced 8 children. This is a lot for modern times unless you are either Amish or Catholic. My mother had 9 kids. Many women from that era had 8 or more children. I remember all my cousins were from large families. The birth control pill didn’t get widely approved until the early 1960’s. Hence my birth year is 1961. My mother finally got a chance to control having more kids and she did. Then along came the seventies and Roe v. Wade. Those days were filled with Helen Reddy singing 🎶 “I am woman hear me roar” 🎶 and lots of Pro woman sentiments. As far back as I can remember, we had these rights.

After years of plotting and working to reverse and remove women’s rights we once again lost them. For some reason the legislature never codified the decision into law. Most of us took the right for granted. The Supreme Court got stacked with outright lying justices who over turned the law and put it into the hands of the individual states. So now Ohio it is our turn to have our say on Reproductive Rights. According to polling there are about 58% of Ohioans who want this right. All we need is 51% and it will become enshrined in our constitution. I am cautiously😵‍💫 optimistic about the election which is less than 1 month away.

So as I walk my neighborhood and see all kinds of signs I am either 😀encouraged or 😒discouraged depending on the signs. So my only choice is to keep on walking🚶 the neighborhood. Keep on 👀 seeing the signs. And keep on spreading the word on voting Yes on Issue 1. RECLAUM!



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