Plog Number 281
Smoking Joe Biden

Hello Ploggers and Happy Day After SOTU (State of the Union) Address. I know it is not really a thing but maybe it will catch on. Anyway, we are in the thick of the political season and we are going to witness 📣 speeches and debates. Between now and December there will be many to endure. So today is the day after, and that means it’s time to recap and discuss. So lets talk about it.
First and foremost I have to say that without a doubt he, Joe Biden, does not have dementia. He does have a speech impediment. That was evident, but he handles it well. When he starts to stutter, he stops and starts over and proceeds with no problem. That was the most misfiring I could see. He was on fire and that is why they call him “Smoking Joe Biden”. At 81 years of age he is super seasoned, experienced and just plain old bad 💪 ass. He is not the one to be played with. He can come back at you with accuracy, acidity and with a quickness. Don’t come for Joe unless you plan to take him all the way down.
Although she was a tacky and unnecessary distraction MTG tried to joust with Joe. She fell flat! She had a button sized picture of a young person who was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant. The victim was a 22 year old nursing student named Laken Riley. She attended school in Georgia where the loud mouthed MTG hails from. Once Joe saw the button, he immediately recognized her and extended his heartfelt condolences to the family. He went on to say that he understood their loss because he has lost children. He took what was intended as a big dig at him on immigration and turned it into a compassionate moment. MTG was left looking like the fool that she is. Then Joe went on to call out the Republicans over their abandonment of the Immigration bill that they wanted. I LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE CALL OTHERS OUT!! I love it even more when stupid people open the door for an ass kicking that they deserve. Not to mention all the kids that are killed in school shootings by American citizens who are not Immigrants. BURN BABY BURN!!
The Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson was kind of pathetic. He sat and frowned, rolled his eyes, shrank in his seat and looked very disapproving. The Republican Rebuttal was the fodder for jokes all day. A Republican Senator from Alabama spoke from her upscale kitchen. It was upscale but why put her in a kitchen? What are the Republicans saying about their "women folk". Her name was Katie Britt. She did a good job of Kvetching. Her performance reminded me of Bobby Jindal years ago. He came off as creepy and awkward and so did Ms. Britt. I cant wait to see SNL this weekend. They seldom disappoint.
The overall tenor of the speech was successful, positive and will go down as one of the greatest. If you missed it, try to catch👀 it. They are showing snippets all day on different news channels. Conservative news is saying it was a disaster. Liberal news is saying it was great. I go with the Dems! I think that Joe is an amazing 81 year old man. His accomplishments while in office are stellar. But it is his delivery I was very impressed with. Enjoy the burn and RECLAIM!