Plog Number 241
The De Santis plan

Hello Ploggers, how are you? I have been looking at politics for a long time and I have some questions. No one is talking about Ron De Santis much these days. That is a shame because I have things I would like to know about him and his Campaign for President. Let’s go back in time.
He was very fastidious in planning his run for the big job. I remember that he passed a law so that he could remain as Governor of Florida while running. There was such a law that would have forced him to give up his governorship but he got the Republican legislature to adjust the rules in May of 2023. That was major planning meant to benefit him. The exception was that if running for US President or Vice President there would be no need to resign. The bill passed 76-34 and was marketed as a clarification and not intended specifically for De Santis. The law was then signed by De Santis. It is a good thing he signed this law because it looks like he will need his job as Governor since the Presidential things seems not to be working out.
De Santis also changed the abortion laws in Florida from 15 weeks and 6 days to 6 weeks. Regarding the issue of Rape of Incest, the Governor was thoughtful enough to require the woman to bring in court order or documentation stating that she is a victim of rape or incest. That is a difficult if not impossible task for many women. It places an undue burden on the woman, who may have been in circumstances that prevent her from having written proof of her situation. But the law was enacted in April of 2023 prior to his announcement to run. I’m pretty sure he thought it would really help him with the Pro Life Contingent of the party.
De Santis also made legal changes to the Florida College Board, SAT, and Advanced Placement curriculum. He started an alliance with Christoper Rufo who coined the CRT term. Based on those changes he started banning books like crazy in his state. This was to help him with Mom’s for Liberty types of voters. He also made ridiculous claims about banning black history in Florida schools. Lastly he stated that many slaves gained valuable skills like Blacksmithing. He likened Slavery to vo-ed school and wanted it to be taught as a positive thing about black enslaved people. This was to give meat to the racist and ignorant base that exists in his Republican party.
So as you can see, he did quite a careful prep before he even announced he was running for President. He painted himself as a MAGA wet dream and alternative to 45. But his carefully planned efforts did not ever put him ahead of 45 in the Presidential race. He has been number two in the race with a 20 point difference. Currently he is being inched on by Nikki Haley. So we don’t know where he will end up, but his very transparent plans seem to not have paid off for him to this point. His awkwardness and off putting manner have also played a part in his non-popularity. He seemed to embrace the most extremist agendas he could imagine as a way to win the Republican party nomination. I heard that his plan was to soften his position after he got the nomination to appeal to more people.
I am personally holding him to all the horrible things he said and did even if it was just for a political gain. I have a memory like an elephant and I don’t forget and neither should we. This guy stood out in his outrageousness. He is out there alone where most politicians never go. Yet he is still in the race. He did us a favor in exposing himself for the monster he truly is. Never forget and RECLAIM.