Plog Number 277
We got us a brand new Senator

Hello Ploggers how goes it? Now that the Super Bowl is over and we know that Taylor Swift’s boyfriend’s team won, there is little fun things to look forward to. But I do have a bit of good news coming out of California. Let’s talk about it.
Gavin Newsome has appointed a new Senator to replace Diane Feinstein. He did this in October 2023. Feinstein died while in office and her seat was left vacant. So now that seat has been filled. The new Senator is Ms Laphonza Butler (D). Now there are 4 black US Senators. They are all Democrats except one of them. Cory Booker, Ralphael Warnock, and now Laphonza Butler are proud black senatorial representatives. The other black Senator from South Carolina is a sycophantic 45 and MAGA following Republican. That would be Tim Scott (R). But let’s not talk about him. I have devoted many Plogs to him and enough is enough. Thank God we don’t have Hershel Walker as a sitting Senator.
I just want to say Welcome and Bienevedos to Ms. Laphonza Butler. She is 44 years old and a graduate of Jackson State University. I have heard her speak and she is articulate (per usual), intelligent and thoughtful in her conversation. I like her already. She is the first black and openly gay US senator I have ever heard of. She and her wife have an adopted daughter. She was an advisor to Kamala Harris and Hilary Clinton and she served as the President of the largest union in California, SEIU Local 2015. Her background is stellar but I have heard that she won’t run for re-election. I don’t know why. At age 44 she has a bright future ahead of her. I feel that we will see a lot more of her in the future. I am hoping she will change her mind about not running. What was the point of being appointed? Come on LaPhonza we need you and your abortion advocacy to help us RECLAIM!